Mettje designed 15, single butterfly mobiles to be installed in a large grouping in the entryway to the new Alpha Day Care preschool facility. Many educational institutions, schools and universities like the easily hung individual mobiles. This gives the client and installation crew freedom to hang them in the best places, utilizing light and air currents in the building atriums.
Mettje Swift making the pattern for a sculptured hanging butterfly. She begins with charcoal to work out the lines and then blacks in the lines with marker. The lines become the seam lines.
 Installation Plan for 15 butterflies in the entryway atrium to the new Pre-school in Princeton, Texas.
In-Studio photo of one of the butterflies.
More Alpha Butterflies suspended in-studio during fabrication. They will be finished using a fine airline cable to connect them from a 3-point bridle (like a kite) to one connection at the ceiling. Each butterfly is very light weight and weighs under 10 lbs.